Online Therapy OPEN at the Owl Centre

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The Owl Centre is now offering an online Teletherapy service via its own, secure, ‘meeting room’ platform.  A number of our therapies work very well online; speech and language therapy, Sensory Integration, OT, clinical psychology, autism support, behaviour support, psychotherapy, etc. Why not give it a try? Teletherapy provides a personalised, interactive, fun experience for all …

Top talking tip!

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Does your child sometimes miss or swap a sound in a word so it is unclear?  Try not to correct your child. Instead, repeat back what they have said but model the sound clearly.  So if your child says ‘it’s a tar!’ you can say ‘yes, it’s a car!’  That way your child knows you …

A Problem Shared is a Problem Halved

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In 1994 I went to Sri Lanka for a year to work as an English Teacher, and Mahendra was a student in one of my classes; he was 11 and I was 18. His family were lovely and they took us (me and other teachers) under their wing while we were there. Fast forward 16 …